2021 JoVE Research Innovation Award Winner: Joana Kramer
Joana Kramer, Ph.D. Student at The Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy, in Germany
RadioViews is a series of short videos that aims to engage the general public in the world of black holes, relativistic jets, and their magnetic fields through the latest scientific results of fellow researchers. At present, image and sound are the most powerful tools to communicate new knowledge and complicated concepts in science. RadioViews uses these tools as a nexus between enthusiastic astronomers and curious people who are eager to learn more about these fascinating topics in a time-saving condensed way.
The idea was born and took form from a small group of astronomers in the VLBI group of the Max Planck Institute of Radio Astronomy. The resultant team is many-faceted, i.e. It involves the department's director, scientific staff members, postdocs, and a PhD student. Today, RadioView releases a new episode every month.
Team Members: Joana Kramer (MPIfR), Thalia Traianou (IAA-CISC), Mikhail Lisakov (MPIfR), Felix Poetzl (MPIfR), Eduardo Ros (MPIfR), Anton Zensus (MPIfR)
“ Our whole team at RadioViews is honored to be recognized by the JoVE Researcher Innovation Award for our video series on discussions with fellow radio astronomers. Being selected as one of the winners encourages us to continue, improve and develop new methods to share our expertise as researchers. Nowadays visual media accounts for over 80% of internet content. Our dream is to spread the free exchange of knowledge using this medium. We are indescribably grateful that JoVE supports that goal.”
Social Media:
RadioViews Website
RadioViews Youtube
RadioViews Twitter
Video clip "RadioViews_ShortVideo.mp4"