2021 JoVE Librarian Innovation Award Winner: Nicholas Collison

MLS FSLA, Director of Library & E-Content, Couranto
Nick Collison has worked in the information industry for more than 20 years and currently serves as Director of Library and E-Content at Couranto. Originally from the United Kingdom, he moved to the United States in 2006 to meet the challenges of the U.S. market. Collison has been a member of the Special Library Association (SLA) for over a decade and served on the SLA Centennial Committee, Finance Committee, and has been SLA’s Treasurer and on the Executive Board for the past three years.
He is extremely passionate about his craft and works primarily with business information, knowledge, research & development, and libraries across multiple disciplines. Collison has a BA in Business Marketing and is seen as a thought leader among his peers within the information industry.
LinkedIn: Nicholas Collison