Register to Attend the Webinar

Join us for a live webinar organized by JoVE on the topic:

"Unlocking Gut Movement: Novel Small Bowel Analysis"


Dr. Arthur Beyder

Arnaldo Mercado-Perez

MD-PhD, Gastroenterologist
Mayo Clinic
MD-PhD Student
Mayo Clinic


 Date: Thursday, Jan 11th, 2024
  Time: 9:00 AM EST, 3:00 PM CET, 7:30 PM IST

Maximizing your experience: The advantages of webinar participation
webinar 2
Canva Design DAFS-QPhpmY

•  A detailed description of improved spatial resolution of small bowel transit
•  Ability to spatially resolve segmentations
•  Moving past transit measurement by analyzing spatial distribution of contents

•  An interactive Q&A session with the audience

Wait, there's more! 
•  Temporary full access to the JoVE article discussed in the webinar
•  Registrants will receive a recording of the webinar
•  A Certificate of Attendance is available to attendees upon request

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